HOG- MakeTheCut

As you know from my blogger-featured posts, I am constantly inspired by bloggers and their unique style, especially the ones who can create their own clothing. I currently lack that skill, but I am trying to learn, I just wish there were more hours in the day so that I can master this new interest. In the meantime, I have a very close relationship with my Tailor. I send the simplest things his way, and he whips up the alternation in less than 2 days. This is a life changer because not only does it help to provide the perfect fit for some of my clothing, but it also helps me to shop in a different way; a less restricted way.

For example, when I found these yellow shorts, I really liked them and I wanted something that was the perfect match to make the look a two piece. I did not find a top but I did find a dress, and it immediately popped in my mind to simply have it tailored. I love that I didn’t look at the dress as a disappointment but rather an opportunity to still get what I wanted.

Moral of the story, is if you can’t sew, find someone who can! For further details on this look, see the original post here.