I’ve been working on a personal project that I hinted about a few months ago and it’s taking the life out of me because I want it to be as close to perfect as possible before bringing it to you. I know that this blog is light hearted and fun and talks about fashion and a little bit of my life but there is so much more that I think about on a daily basis beyond clothing. As a personal commitment to myself, I have decided that until my project is ready and perhaps after its launch,  I WILL bring a focus to things that truly matter to me week over week right here in this space. Some of the content might be light-hearted and others more heavy-hitting. All of it will come from the heart with a goal of sparking a discussion and shedding a light on the things that we really need to pay attention to. With that said, let’s get into my Top 5 shall we? (p.s., this may vary between 3 – 5 things per week).

  1.  The Grammy Awards was pretty boring this year, but the greatest moment came compliments of new artist Logic who performed his single “1-800-273-8255”, (the number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline). I mean how impactful is that and just as impressive as the song is, so was the performance. Jam packed with emotion Khalid and Alessia Cara (one of my favorites, at the moment) joined Logic in bringing such a HUGE message to the forefront. Social Media has and continues to bring about great depression in many individuals both young and seasoned. The pressures, the drudging-up of terrible emotions such as jealousy and self doubt, and the willingness to do anything to become “popular”. This is the reason that I felt that this message was SO NEEDED and helpful to those out there who become depressed and feel lesser than on account of SM and other issues. IT also helped that Logic called out Trump by condemning his “shithole countries” comment and showing him once again that he will not WIN in his divisive tactics. Love will win over hatred every time.
  2. Eve used to be on my husband’s wall when he was is High School, she is legit one of his favorites. I had to give her a shout out because she was my BEST DRESSED at the Grammy’s last night. Slim pickings to be sure, but nonetheless she came out, showed out and did the damn thing.  Props Eve!
  3. Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer — YES YES YES! I wrote about this in my Instagram post last week (please go and read it) but to recap, I was humbled by this beautiful example of females banding together to illuminate inequality and show an example of how we can come together to make our collective existence better for us all. Get into the story, it will warm your heart.
  4. I discovered a beautiful new poet and she’s got me dancing in the rain and feeling passionate about life. Her name is rupi kaur and she is a #1 New York Times best selling author. I follow her on instagram and you should to. I’m looking forward to reading her book “the sun and her flowers” which I ordered on Amazon.
  5. Miraslava Duma and Ulyana Sergenko – As a lover of fashion, I faithfully followed these two individuals. However, after the use of the N-word by Ulyana and the blatant and casual dismal by Mira when she paraded the note on her Instagram stories, I had to do myself a favor and STOP following them. In the words of the beautiful Maya Angelou, when people show you who they are, believe them the first time. I’ve seen enough and there is no reason for me to support people who don’t respect me or my culture.

I’d love to hear your feedback on this type of posts, and if you would like to read more of them. Perhaps you may want me to post the articles about each story? No pressure to give an answer after this first one but maybe tell me how you feel after a month has gone by. Thank you for stopping by as always and for the support. Have a great week.

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