Apologies on the lack of blog updates! Work has been crazy and I’ve been planning and executing a Christening. I’ve taken on a new personal monster of a project and somehow I still manage to take care of a little kid while i’m at it. It’s been so NUTS, that I have officially resorted to sourcing books about Time Management because… With all of that it’s unfortunate that the thing which suffers most is my blog. I do try to post some photos on my Instagram if I can’t get to editing and putting up an actual post. Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask would you just prefer that I post on Instagram and FB or do you like the Blog posts? I added this look on Insta last week. I’ve been so lazy that I wore this hairdo for like a week and a half because I just had zero time to restyle my hair and trust me, those curls take a minute to perfect. Don’t be mad if you see this hairdo on a few more outfit posts, because a sister is just trying tog et by. Also, I happen to LOVE it.
Alright, tell me what’s going on with you guys! I hope 2018 is shaping up to be a heck of a year!

P.s. – If you recommend any books on Time Management let me know, if not, I will be sure to post about what I find.

Top: CarolineConstas, Jeans: H&M, Coat: Versace, Sandals: Gucci

Until Next Time…

3 comments on “Cubana Inspired”

  1. Hey @hintofglamour!
    Loving the look, and the hair is really cute. As for the busy part it’s completely understandable while you’re balancing your first year with a little one, along with everything else that came pre-Allegra. As a fan who follows you across the platforms I’m never going to miss a post, but it seems like Instagram (with a short snippet) may be the easiest way for you and your followers to stay engaged. Insta is where I see people commenting and liking your pics the most, so it’s probably a win-win.
    Then, after you’ve mastered this new time management, just include your “head on over to the blog for the deets”. Less pressure on you to feel like you owe an apology on your blog posts, because you don’t. Life happens, and your real base will remain loyal and interested throughout the minor adjustments.
    I don’t know the exact demographics of your followers, but what I do know is that your brand is strong and I suspect your followers are a bit more sophisticated; caring more about fashion, insight, travel, and lifestyle. You aren’t posting the latest glitter eyeshadow tutorial that’ll soon be forgotten when the next cat eye trend hits the scene. When you take the time to write your blog posts, they actually resonate. Quality over quantity. That’s what you’ve been telling us all along about investment dressing, career, event planning, relationships, even your new efficient exercise routine; and I think it should apply to your blog as well. Much love!

    • Aww Kat, you are the best! Thank you for these wonderful words and for your suggestion and the subtle reminders of why I do this in the first place! Appreciate you loads!

  2. 2nd what Kathy said! I’ve never commented but often frequent your Instagram page, albeit I am not on any social media platforms. However, I enjoy the blog posts the most here the most since I appreciate learning more about the person behind the fashion. A weekly recap will be greatly appreciated but completely understandable, given your current life happenings.

    You’ve been an inspiration since The Fashion Bomb Daily.

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